DEAR ABBY: I’m 29, and my boyfriend is 36. We met on a dating site and were together for three years. He broke up with me two months ago because he didn’t think he could marry me. (We weren’t engaged.) He says I’m the love of his life, soulmate and his dream come true, and I feel the same, but he has commitment issues.
When I met him, I was in the process of getting divorced and ending an abusive marriage. He was the best boyfriend, and, to us, our relationship was perfect. But his commitment issues gave him doubt that I’m the one he’s supposed to be with.
I truly believe that God put him in my life. Something told me he was The One. How can I get him to see that we are meant to be and not to give up on the best relationship both of us have ever had? — TRUE SOULMATE IN GEORGIA
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