DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have not had sex for the last four years. I’m not a perfect husband. I have made my share of mistakes — not always telling the truth, texting other women — and she has her share of imperfections as well. She has hit me on more than one occasion. She has also pulled a gun on me and stole $1,400. And yet, I find myself putting all that aside and moving forward. I do love my wife, but right now I am at my breaking point. Do you have any advice? — AT WITS’ END IN TEXAS
DEAR WITS’ END: Because you love your wife and want to stay married, tell her that. While you’re at it, offer her the opportunity to work out your differences through marriage counseling. If she agrees, it will be a giant leap in the right direction. However, if she doesn’t, for your own safety, you two must separate. The relationship you have described is volatile, unhealthy and unsafe for you.
DEAR ABBY: I am a senior woman and have been in a relationship for five months with a widower. His wife died three years ago. He calls me every night, and we see each other three to four times a week. My issue is that he’s cheap. He makes three times what I do but takes me out only for bar food meals. I want to say something, but I’m not sure how. He’s a great guy except for this, but I don’t want to stay if he doesn’t value me more. Should I tell him he’s too cheap or just break it off? — UNDERVALUED IN CALIFORNIA
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