Sun Life Investment Management’s Michael Enriquez on finding the right investment for you
Navigating the world of investing can be overwhelming, with a myriad of options to choose from, market fluctuations to navigate, and key factors to consider. However, according to Michael Enriquez, President of Sun Life Investment Management and Trust Corporation (Sun Life Investment Management), finding the right investment strategy ultimately boils down to understanding yourself as an investor.
Enriquez explains that there are key factors to consider when choosing suitable investments for yourself, such as your capability or amount of investible funds, time horizon for your purpose of investment, objective for your investments, your risk tolerance, and experience in investing.
“We recognize the unique needs of each investor,” says Enriquez. “Part of our onboarding is to get to know the Client to better understand their specific needs before even recommending a specific product or strategy. This personalized approach ensures that investment recommendations align with individual risk tolerance and financial goals.”
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