The longstanding feud between Jeff Brazier and Jackiey Budden has been making headlines for more than a decade.
The animosity – which reportedly began shortly after the tragic death of Jackiey’s daughter Jade Goody in 2009 – has seen the two parties exchange blows over issues ranging from grandparental rights to accusations surrounding Jade’s missing fortune.
Follow us as we delve into the bitter history that’s fueled this feud.
TV presenter Jeff Brazier with sons Bobby and Freddie when they were youngsters (Credit: Splash News)
Jeff Brazier and Jade Goody
Jeff Brazier, a TV presenter, and Jade Goody, a former Big Brother star, were together for about two years. During this time, Jade gave birth to their two sons – Bobby (born in 2003) and Freddie (born in 2004).
Jade passed away in 2009 from cervical cancer, leaving Jeff as the boys’ primary guardian.
From the beginning, Jackiey vowed to remain involved in her grandsons’ lives. She had played a significant role in their early upbringing while Jade was ill.
However, tensions between Jeff and Jackiey soon arose. This was reportedly due to concerns over her lifestyle and the influence she might have on the boys.
According to sources, Jeff was unhappy about Jackiey’s closeness to Jade’s widower, Jack Tweed.
He also disapproved of some of her choices, including gifting the boys phones and a hamster without consulting him. Smoking around the boys was another reported issue.
Jade was married to Jack Tweed when she died (Credit: Splash News)
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