DEAR ABBY: I have been an amateur astronomer for 25-plus years. I always go meteor watching as well as observe any celestial event. This year I invited my brother-in-law and his wife to watch a meteor shower with my husband and me. Since we both have campers, I reserved and paid the deposit for two camping sites at a nice location, close to some of the best night skies. The reservations were made more than a month ago.
My sister-in-law, who I dearly love and have been good friends with for more than 20 years, called me yesterday to let me know my BIL had invited three of their preteen granddaughters. Abby, I thought they understood it would be an adult event, as we’ll be up half the night and traveling 30 minutes to get to the dark-sky site. I do this every year.
I told my SIL that my BIL should’ve asked me first since I invited them and made all the arrangements for this event. We talked on the phone for 90 minutes before I told her my BIL was wrong for not asking me first if it was OK.
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