DEAR ABBY: After a lonely post-divorce decade, I have found a loving man whom I’ll call “Drew.” We share many of the same interests and values, and are enjoying this second chance at love and romance. We spend time at each other’s homes, and my grown kids like having him around.
The challenge is the erratic and angry behavior of his 27-year-old son, “Adam,” who lives in the building my boyfriend owns and resides in. Adam was previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Drew now says the diagnosis was inaccurate, and Adam is learning how to deal with his emotions without heavy medication.
Abby, Adam has never held a job, and manages only one junior college class a semester in his quest to enter a four-year university. The balance of his time is spent gaming with online friends and complaining about neighbors who rent in the building. I have witnessed his disturbing and angry behavior and have made clear I will remove myself from the drama should things get heated in my presence.
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